
How To Pass Level 164 On Brain Test

Brain Test Answers All Level Walkthrough (newly updated)

Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles Solutions Game All Level and Hints are bachelor on one folio. If yous want some answers and so scroll down to the page.

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Nearly Brain Test Game: "Brain Test is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a serial of catchy brain teasers. Dissimilar riddles testing will challenge your mind. This new puzzle game may break common sense and bring your new brain-pushing feel! You tin enjoy yourself with your friends with this addictive and funny free IQ game. Get prepare to take the quiz!"

Bookmark This page you will demand this in other levels too.

Brain Exam Respond fundamental for All Levels:

Brain Test Level 1 [WHICH ONE IS BIGGEST]

Which fauna looks biggest in size on your screen?

Its LION, click on it.

Encephalon Examination Level 2 [HOW TO Flower THIS Flower] Just remove all the clouds to clear the sun and that will make flower the blossom.
Brain Test Level 3 [PUT THE ELEPHANT INTO THE Fridge] Only click on the handle to open the door and put the elephant within.
Encephalon Test Level 4 [WHICH ONE IS CLOSEST TO United states of america]

Which affair is closest to the text "u.s.a."?

That'south the moon. merely click on the moon.

Encephalon Test Level 5 [HOW MANY PIZZA SLICES Do WE HAVE]

There are more pizza slices under those slices so motion them 1 past i and you lot will run into the hidden slices and now count them again.

Full slices are "nine".

Encephalon Test Level 6 [I OVERTOOK THE 2ND PLACED RUNNER WHAT IS MY POSITION] If you overtook the 2nd position guy than your position volition exist "2d".
Brain Test Level 7 [SLIDE LEFT TO UNLOCK] It says slide left, yous fool.

So slide that arrow to left and it volition exist done.

Encephalon Examination Level 8 [FEED THE Cat Please HE IS HUNGRY] Drag those biscuits to "cat text" in the question.
Brain Examination Level ix [WHERE IS THE Greenish Brawl] Adding yellowish and blue makes dark-green.
Brain Test Level x [WHAT IS UNUSUAL IN THIS Film] The joker has "half-dozen" singers and then just click on his palm.
Brain Examination Level 11 [WHICH I IS LONGEST] Which name is the longest? It's "February".
Encephalon Test Level 12 [CATCH FALLING APPLES] Grab only those apples who are falling from above.
Brain Test Level thirteen [TOM MUST Jump TO THE OTHER SIDE] Drag the mushroom near the cat to feed him and and then jump to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 14 [Plow It OFF TOO Unsafe] There is a power-off button on the jar then merely click on it don't endeavor to do anything stupid.
Brain Examination Level fifteen [4+v*5-2] 4+5*five-2 = 4+25-2 = "27"
Brain Examination Level 16 [TAP THEM IN ORDER]

The order is 1-49-lxxx-5-7-11-101.

Just follow the lodge and tap.

Brain Test Level 17 [WHAT IS THE Hidden NUMBER] Drag the stone and y'all will see a hidden number, then use it to pass the level.
Brain Examination Level 18 [HOW MANY MONTHS HAVE 28 DAYS] All 12 months have 28 days.
Brain Test Level xix [Please Salve THIS Male child] Drag the sovel from the tree and dig a hole in the raised expanse and you will see a os, give that bone to the dog and the boy will exist saved.
Brain Test Level 20 [WHERE IS THE Black SHEEP] Take the "blackness" text from the question and put information technology on whatsoever sheep and that volition become a black sheep, now click on it.
Encephalon Test Level 21 [WHAT IS THE Concluding LETTER IN SPELLING] The last letter of the alphabet of "spelling" is "G".
Brain Test Level 22 [THERE IS A INTRUDER IN OUR CAT PARTY] Click on this level and employ this image to detect the hidden rat.
Brain Examination Level 23 [Salve HER] Drag the right deject near the 1st cloud and the lightning volition save her.
Brain Test Level 24 [CATCH THE MOUSE] Use the arrow buttons to move the cat effectually the outside of the maze, since there are no paths inside of the maze.
Brain Test Level 25 [TOM IS HUNGRY Once more] Elevate the food and identify it on the stove and plough it on by clicking on the button. Then the mouse volition come out.
Encephalon Examination Level 26 [MAKE THEM Fall IN LOVE] Elevate the airship near the hint seedling (because of the estrus of bulb the balloon volition pop).

Then they volition fall in honey.

Brain Test Level 27 [WHAT IS A TERRIBLE Die ROLL Help ME Please] Just shake your device to solve this level.
Brain Exam Level 28 [CLICK ON THE CALVES Delight] Put the two cows together so four calves will pop out, and so click them.
Brain Test Level 29 [ WHICH CAT IS ON THE RIGHT] Y'all have to see which cat is on the right so just slide the screen and you will see some other cat.

And then click on the new true cat.

Brain Test Level 30 [SPOT THE DIFFERENCES ] There are no differences then the reply is zero.
Brain Exam Level 31 [HOW MANY HOLES ARE There IN THE SHIRT] There are "8" holes on the t-shirt.
Encephalon Examination Level 32 [3+8=?] What is 8+3 you lot fool? Information technology's 11.
Brain Test Level 33 [Assistance THE CAR CROSS THE BRIDGE] Concur tap on the bridge that will terminate the bridge collapse, and and so click on the machine while clicking on the bridge to assistance cantankerous the bridge.
Encephalon Exam Level 34 [HE MUST Become TO HIS CAR TO ESCAPE THE ZOMBIES] First, hold tap on the male child to gather the zombies near the boy, then move the male child to the car by escaping the zombies.
Brain Examination Level 35 [PLEASE Open THE SODA] You don't have to use the can opener. Merely milkshake your device to pass the level.
Encephalon Exam Level 36 [WHERE IS THE Cat Above THE TEXT] You can drag the whole question and then put the question below the cat.

Then the cat will exist above this text.

Encephalon Test Level 37 The reply volition be "four" (no. of intersections)
Brain Exam Level 38 [Information technology IS TOO Night I Tin Non FIND MY True cat] Use the hint bulb to make the low-cal in the room and you will exist able to run across the true cat.
Encephalon Test Level 39 [Achieve THE FINISH BEFORE Fourth dimension RUNS OUT] Tap on the scout three-4 times to break information technology then you volition have all the time to win the race.
Brain Test Level 40 [We MUST READY Before THE GUEST ARRIVES] Rub the dusty glasses until they polish to laissez passer the level.
Encephalon Examination Level 41 [WHERE IS MY RABBIT] Elevate all the things and put them on the middle thing that volition make the rabbit type looking thing.
Brain Examination Level 42 [Become THE BIGGEST NUMBER POSSIBLE] The biggest number possible is 999.
Encephalon Examination Level 43 [STOP THE BABY'S CRYING Delight] If you flip vertically your device you can stop the baby from crying.
Brain Test Level 44 [WHERE IS MY CHOCOLATE EGG] To find the chocolate egg, move all of the eggs toward the sun. One of them will suspension and spill a agglomeration of chocolate everywhere.
Brain Test Level 45 [TIMMY IS HUNGRY Please FEED  HIM ] First put ice h2o in the bowl and then put salt in it too and give information technology to the Timmy.
Brain Examination Level 46 [WHICH MONKEY IS CARSICK] Milk shake your device to find the carsick monkey.
Encephalon Examination Level 47 [BLUE HAS TO WIN THE RACE] At that place is a power-up tool or fuel is hidden on the right side of the crowds.

Click on it and drag it on the blue auto, now blue volition be able to win.

Brain Test Level 48 [HELP THIS POOR GUY] Rotate your device facing downwardly to aid the poor guy.
Brain Test Level 49 [MAKE THE RED WIN THE RACE] Elevate the give-and-take "cherry-red" from the question and put it on the stop line.
Brain Test Level fifty [BURN EVERYTHING] Click on the torch and fire everything including the question itself.
Brain Test Level 51 [JACK DID NOT Report FOR THE EXAM But HE HAS TO Laissez passer] Jack did not study for the exam, but he has to laissez passer. Put ane finger on Jack's head, then drag it over to the girl's newspaper to help Jack wait at her paper and steal her answers.
Brain Test Level 52 [WHICH Building IS THE STRONGEST] Just milkshake your phone to find out which edifice is strongest.
Brain Exam Level 53 [We Need 9 APPLES] The "ix" inside the question can exist rotated so just rotate it and brand information technology a "half dozen" to complete the level.
Brain Exam Level 54 [ PICK THE Cerise Color] At first, it asks for the red colour, not ruby text.❊Then at the second, it asks for yellow color so click on a xanthous colour, not yellow text.

Simply at tertiary it asks you to pick the red and then but click on the reddish text that is in yellow color.

And the level will be cleared.

Brain Test Level 55 [HOW Can THE BUS Laissez passer THROUGH In that location] Zoom out the just past using two fingers so you volition be able to make it pass.
Brain Exam Level 56 [HOW MANY EGGS ARE In that location] Endeavor moving the 3rd egg from the starting time row and you will see that it's not an egg.

And then the full eggs are "7".

Brain Test Level 57 [SCISSOR HAS TO WIN] Paper wins over the stone, so first drag paper near both rocks to remove them, at present use drag scissor almost the newspaper to win the game.
Brain Examination Level 58 [STOP THE ALIEN INVASION] Merely tap on the aliens to pass the level.
Encephalon Examination Level 59 [HELP ME ACHIEVE VICTORY] Just tap on the lodge vic-to-ry to pass the level.
Brain Exam Level 60 [Aid THIS POOR MAN PLEASE] Take the skirt off of the women's bathroom sign to turn it into a men's bathroom sign.
Brain Test Level 61 [HOW CAN THIS BE Correct] Simply tap on the cannon and burn it to change both "×" into "+" and the equation will be corrected.
Encephalon Test Level 62 [WHAT OCCURS TWICE IN Week ONC E  IN Yr NEVER IN A MONTH]
The letter "E" occurs twice in a 'calendar week', once in a 'year' and never in a 'month'.
Brain Test Level 63 [REMOVE Vi STICKS AND Brand It TEN] From the beginning box remove left, right and the bottom matchstick to make it "T".

Then, from the second box remove the correct matchstick arrive "E".

Then, from the tertiary box remove the pinnacle and bottom matchstick to make information technology "N".

Brain Test Level 64 [HELP THIS FROG Fly]
Block his olfactory organ by agree acme on his nose, that will brand him fly.
Encephalon Test Level 65 [OUR Cat IS STILL HUNGRY] Commencement, take out matchstick from the matchbox and light information technology and then fire the cannon which will make the rat fall into the cat'due south mouth.
Encephalon Test Level 66 [I WANT 9 CANDIES Delight] To go 9 candies, tap the chapeau to open up it, then flip the phone over and three volition autumn out. Repeat this three more times to become ix.
Brain Examination Level 67 [CLICK THEM FROM Low TO Loftier] Don't use maths only starts from lesser to upwards.
Encephalon Exam Level 68 [Y'all FORGET TO Purchase HIS Birthday PRESENT] Take the souvenir box from the bottom of the screen and requite it to the boy.
Brain Test Level 69 [CLICK ON ANIMALS FROM SMALL TO BIG] The tree isn't an beast so just follow the gild first "mouse-lion-elephant".
Brain Examination Level 70 [HOW Tin can THIS EQUATION WORKS] Drag the "70" from the "level 70" at top of the screen.
And put that lxx before3 the 50 in the equation.
Brain Examination Level 71 [Assist THE Female parent LOIN] Take off the father lion'southward mane and put it on the mother, and the lion cubs volition all go over to the father instead.
Brain Test Level 72 [HOW MANY SQUARES ARE In that location] There are zero squares, then the answer is "0".
Encephalon Test Level 73 [PLEASE Printing THE Push button 100 TIMES] Showtime, drag the ii zeros(00) from the 100 in the question and click i fourth dimension on the button.
There is an "earthworm" inside apples so cut the apples and use it as bait on the hook to take hold of the fish.
Brain Test Level 75 [SHES Then SAD THAT SHE BURNT THE EGGS PLEASE CHEER HER Upward] She's sad because omelet is burned, so but plough back the fourth dimension when information technology wasn't burned by clicking and moving the hr needle at the position of 2.
Brain Test Level 76 [HOW MANY RECTANGLES ARE THERE] Try moving every box or rectangle yous see and you lot will find out that at that place are "4" rectangles.
Brain Test Level 77 [HOW MANY BALLS ARE There] You take to rotate your phone or device to 180 degrees or flip it vertically.

Hidden assurance will come out and now count them.

Total balls are "ten".

Brain Test Level 78 [HOW MANY CUBES ARE At that place] There are 9 cubes on each other only there is another cube subconscious in the left side of the screen. So total cubes are "ten".
Brain Exam Level 79 [Turn ON THE TV PLEASE] Connect the wire by using your torso every bit the conducting medium.

Or just tap 2 fingers on both naked ends of the wire.

Encephalon Test Level lxxx [TODAY IS JIM'Southward Second Altogether LIGHT THE CANDLES FOR HIM] Information technology's his 2nd birthday so 2 candle has to be lighted, light i with the matchstick and some other one with the candle itself.
Brain Exam Level 81 [THE BOXER ON THE LEFT SHOULD WIN] Have an atomic number 26 brawl from higher up ane of the corners, put it inside his glove, and so hit the fight button to pass this level.
Brain Test Level 82 [MAKE THIS EQUATION CORRECT] From the "LEVEL 82" remove viii and 2 and place at 10 and Y respectively in the equation and the equation will be right.
Encephalon Test Level 83 [Delight Stop THIS FIGHT] Brack the cookie in two-piece using two fingers and the fight will stop.
Brain Examination Level 84 [HOW MANY Messages ARE LEFT IF "E" AND "T" LEAVE THE ALPHABET] If "Eastward" & "T" left the discussion "alphabet" then the remaining words are "half-dozen".
Brain Test Level 85 [Evidence ME YOUR PATIENCE] But don't tap anywhere for the 7-8 seconds to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 86 [BIRDIE HAS OVERSLEPT TRY SHAKING THE TREE] Agree tap on the branch of the tree where the bird is sleeping and milk shake your device.
Brain Test Level 87 [FIND THE MISTAKE HERE] The mistake is in the word "mlstake" (inside question), then just click on it to solve the level.
Brain Examination Level 88 [WHO WINS THE Boxing] Y'all can drag "100" from the "100 knights", so just elevate that 100 near the another 100 to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 89 [LET THE CAT IN Delight, It IS FREEZING Exterior] Flip your phone once and the door volition open so put the cat inside.
Encephalon Test Level 90 [Delight Plow ON ALL THE LIGHTS] Drag the 3rd seedling outside of the screen to pass this level.
Encephalon Test Level 91 [Complete THE LEVE Delight] Naught will help from all iv things.

You lot can see that written thing "LEVEL 91".

You tin drag the "L" of level and put in on the "leve_".

That volition complete the "level".

Brain Test Level 92 [CLICK ON THE BLUE BUTTON half dozen TIMES] Click 4 times on the blue button then the cerise push button will show up, then just drag the red button and you volition run across the blue push under information technology, and then click on it 2 more times to laissez passer this level.
Brain Test Level 93 [25=?] If x=25 then 25=10.
Brain Exam Level 94 [AWW… SHE WANTS AN ICE Foam Likewise] Starting time, rotate the cap of the boy then drag the girl'due south hairs and put it on the rotating cap to make the water ice cream, now give information technology to the daughter.
Brain Examination Level 95 [CURIOSITY KILLS THE Cat] Agree tap on the text "curiosity" and put in on the cat. That will impale the cat.
Brain Exam Level 96 [I WANT SOME MAYO] Turn your device upside down and milkshake it like you lot are trying to shake sauce out of the bottle.
Brain Exam Level 97 [HELP ME CATCH THE RABBIT] Elevate the trap near the rabbit then click on the carrot box to grab the rabbit.
Brain Test Level 98 [THE BABY IS CRYING AGAIN] Just rub his belly for 5 seconds and she will fart abroad her gas, and the level will exist solved.
Brain Test Level 99 [MY WIDOWED GRANNY HAS Iii CHILDREN. ] 1 granny+ three couples (6 people) + iv child = 11 total people, so total chairs needed are "11".
Encephalon  Test Level 100 [WHAT IS A True cat'South CHILD CALLED] Cats child is also called "cat", So simply click on the text cat within the question.
Brain Examination Level 101 [Give THEM APPLES] Click on the plate 2 times to give the apple tree to the girl and 1st boy, the drag the plate carrying apple near the 2nd boy to solve the level.
Brain Test Level 102 [PLEASE HELP ME Discover MY SOCKS] If yous zoom out the screen you tin find the socks hands.
Brain Test Level 103 [TOM THE CAT WANTS TO Fly] Elevate the tom and place him on the right side of the seesaw then drag the anvil(weight) and drop it from a footling hight to create the force to make tom fly.
Encephalon Test Level 104 [FEED THEM ALL] First, elevate the get out and feed it to the mantis, so feed that mantis to the rat, and so feed that rat to the cat and your level will be solved.
Brain Test Level 105 [EACH OF THESE BROTHERS HAS A SISTER] Every brother has a sister so total siblings are five+i = "6".
Brain Exam Level 106 [HE REFUSES TO EAT HIS MOM'S Delicious SOUP] Just click on the correct screw that volition brand the cup fall on his leg and his mouth will get opened, now it'due south your time to feed the soup.
Brain Exam Level 107 [WHAT IS THE Full Toll] After adding them the total cost will be "12".
Encephalon Exam Level 108 [EEEK! Grab IT Before MY MOM SUFFERERS A Center ATTACK] Just click on both valves to close the piping now click on mice and it will go inside, so utilise the terminal valve to trap it inside the pipeline.
Encephalon Test Level 109 [TEACHER WANTS A RECTANGLE] Just drag the pentagon (or trapezoid or biggest shape on-screen) most the cutter or knife to make a rectangle.
Encephalon Test Level 110 [Assistance HIM Get Dorsum HIS WALLET Delight] Utilise ii fingers to hold the mouth of the alligator then use the third finger to get his wallet back.
Encephalon Test Level 111 [Aid THE Car Cross THE RIVER] There is a hidden cloud behind the tree, then simply drag it and hibernate the dominicus to freeze the water, and so click on the car to pass the level.
Brain Examination Level 112 [FEED THEM. One FOR EACH PLEASE] You have to make sure that no 1 eats multiple donuts, so just feed them once in social club to complete this level.
Brain Examination Level 113 [I CAN'T Kickoff THE VIDEO] There is a video icon below screen most hint, and so all you take to practise is drag that video icon within the laptop to play the video.
Brain Test Level 114 [HIS Java HAS GOTTEN Common cold] Yous have to adjust the mirrors in the position that the light of the torch will go to the loving cup and that will gonna make the coffee warm.
Brain Examination Level 115 [FIND A FRAME FROM THESE COLORED OBJECTS] All 3 shapes volition fit only in the 1st box, so just put them all inside 1st box to solve this level.
Encephalon Test Level 116 [MAKE THIS Correct] Utilise the vertical matchstick of "+" sign and put within the "9" to make is "8" and the equation will be corrected to "viii-3=five".
Brain Test Level 117 [CLICK ON THE FRUITS IN A Sure ORDER] Employ the order of their quantity to solve this level, so simply use the order: "apple-cherry-banana-grapes".
Brain Exam Level 118 [BIRTHDAY Fourth dimension! HOW OLD IS HE THOUGH] Pull up the candles and you volition see how much candles are on the cake, and that's how old he is.

And then the answer is "five".

Encephalon Test Level 119 [HELP HER Hit THE TARGET] She's so bad that she can't striking her target, so simply zoom in the target to make information technology bigger and and so she will be able to hit it.
Brain Test Level 120 [HELP THE RAT Go THE CHEESE] Click on this level and use this epitome to assist the rat.
Brain Exam Level 121 [WHAT SHOULD Nosotros PUT IN PLACE OF THE QUESTION Marking] Think of this equally the gear of the auto, so later 5th gear what comes is "reverse", so just put "R" in the place of the question mark to solve this level.
Encephalon Test Level 122 [WHICH CAR IS THE SLOWEST] The text "car" text inside the question is slowest because it's non even moving, then just click on "auto" to pass this level.
Brain Test Level 123 [HOW DOES THIS EQUATION Work] You can drag the "seven+6+", so just drag information technology out of the screen and the equation will work properly.
Brain Exam Level 124 [WE NEED 5 ACTORS FOR OUR MOVIE] 1st person is wearing a xanthous wig, and then just remove it to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 125 [Assistance THE Child ON THE RIGHT WIN THE SNOWBALL FIGHT] Drag all the snowballs and merge them with the right kid's brawl, which will make a very big ball and he will win the snowball fight.
Brain Test Level 126 [HELP ME I DONT KNOW WHERE TO Turn!] Merely rotate your phone to the left to laissez passer the level.
Encephalon Examination Level 127 [WHICH ONE IS THE LONGEST]

Drag the boy's oral fissure near those honking things to know that which one is longest, so click on it to pass the level.

Encephalon Examination Level 128 [WHERE DOES BEE HONEY Come FROM?] Honey comes from the bees bro… Just click on the "bee" text in the question to pass the level.
Brain Exam Level 129 [WE NEED 10 DOLLARS] Slide-out the purse out of his pocket and after that click on it to remove the money.
Brain Test Level 130 [IF 1 CHICKEN COOKED IN 5 MINUTES. HOW LONG WOULD IT Take TO COOK 5 CHICKENS] But cook all those 5 chickens at the same time, so cooking five chickens will take too "5" minutes.
Encephalon Test Level 131 [DISCOVER GRAVITY] Just shake your device to laissez passer the level.
Brain Examination Level 132 [Another MISERABLE MAN NEEDS YOUR Assistance] There'south a spider on the big male child's shoulder, elevate that spider into that green chemical box, then elevate that spider near that small-scale boy and then that spider can give him superpowers to let him fight with bullies.

That "o-t-t-f-f-s-s-due east-?" has a surreptitious lawmaking if you detect.

O- one, t- 2, t- three, f- four, f- five, s- half dozen, south-seven, e- eight, so the next thing(?) will be "N- nine".

Brain Exam Level 134 [I HAD ten FISH IN MY AQUARIUM] Aquarium has 10 fishes if vi died then the remaining will all the same be "10" because fifty-fifty if 6 of them died they are still in the aquarium.
Brain Test Level 135 [WHERE DO THEY Hide THE DIAMOND THEY STALLED] Remove the hat and pilus from the heart guy to find the diamond.
Encephalon Exam Level 136 [WHERE IS THE Brawl] Offset, disturb the joker by borer on his nose then swipe up on all three spectacles to discover the ball.
Brain Exam Level 137 [Lucifer THE OBJECT WITH CORRECT COUNTRIES] Connect all the things to French republic only, considering all the objects on the screen belong to French republic.
Encephalon Test Level 138 [HOW TO BUILD A Belfry] Just identify all three pieces on peak of each other to build a tower.
Brain Test Level 139 [OHH Human! SHE IS CRYING AGAIN! Aid PLEASE] Drag the wheels of the toy machine and place them earlier the large guy'south eyes to make the baby express mirth.
Brain Test Level 140 Mice= 4, Cat= 6, and so rotated cat(ix) + mice(4) + mice(four) = 17.
Brain Exam Level 141 [HELP THIS BODY Architect Please] Remove the weights from the rod to help the builder.
Brain Exam Level 142 [THE STUDENT Deceit Call up OF AN ANSWER] Only rotate your phone upside down vertically to pass the level.
Encephalon Test Level 143 [TIMMY NEEDS TO Eat Good for you] Drag that burger only near him and then he will open his rima oris, now use another finger to drag the broccoli inside his mouth to pass the level.
Encephalon Examination Level 144 [HOW TO DEFEAT THE WIZARD] Put water in front of the fire, burn down in forepart of the leaf and foliage in front end of the h2o, now outset the boxing.
Brain Test Level 145 [ALIENS ARE INFILTRATING. FIND THEM] Click on this level and utilize this image to find the hidden aliens.
Brain Test Level 146 [WHAT IS IN THE MIDDLE OF AMERICA] Middle of America?? its "R".
Brain Test Level 147 [LOOKS SO Pitiful. CHEER HIM UP Please] But swipe up to his sad lips to brand him smiling once again.
Brain Examination Level 148 [A VAMPIRE! Assistance!] Just swipe left or right to the defunction to help the male child.
Brain Exam Level 149 [HOW MANY TRIANGLES ARE THERE] To find all of the triangles, pull the shape apart with your fingers. You'll find a total of five triangles.
Encephalon Test Level 150 [FEED OUR CAT FROM LEFT TO Correct] To feed the true cat from left to right, drag the cat off of the right side of the screen, and it will reappear on the left side. So drag it through all of the food so it eats the food.
Brain Test Level 151 [THEY NEED JUSTICE] Drag the ice cream on the cone to the right downwards to the box iv times, and the ice cream on the cone to the left ii times.
Encephalon Test Level 152 [WE Need A Greenish Ball] To get a dark-green ball, tap and hold on the yellowish ball so that the blue ball crashes into information technology, or vice versa. When blue hits yellowish or yellowish hits blue, it becomes greenish.
Brain Exam Level 153 [BREAK THE WINDOW WITH THE Rock] To break the window with the stone, catch the word "rock" out of the question, and drag it over the give-and-take "window" in the question.
Encephalon Test Level 154 [NEIGHBOURS ARE HAVING A CRAZY Political party IN MID OF Dark] To stop the crazy neighbour'due south party in the center of the night, tap on the phone to the correct side of the girl and punch 911.
Brain Test Level 155 [HOW CAN IT BE Truthful] How can ane > 100 be truthful? Drag your finger on the one twice to reveal two more than 1'southward, then line them all up to plow the equation into 111 > 100.
Brain Examination Level 156 [BLUE HAS TO WIN] To make it so that blue wins, motion the finish line downwardly so that green and ruby won't cross it.
Brain Test Level 157 [Salvage THEM ALL] To save them all, move all of the skydivers until their easily link together, then tap on the third ane from the left to permit the parachute go and salve all of them.
Encephalon Test Level 158 [Prepare THE CLOCK Delight] To fix the clock, wind the infinitesimal paw of the clock until it hits the 12.
Brain Test Level 159 [CHEER HIM UP PLEASE] Tickle his toes on both of his feet past rubbing them with your finger gently to pass the level.
Brain Exam Level 160 [HORSY WISHES TO Be A UNICORN] Wishes are granted upon a falling star, so tap the star to make it shoot off and plow the equus caballus into a unicorn.
Encephalon Test Level 161 [Delight UNLOCK THE DOOR. I AM TRAPPED OUTSIDE] Try to remove the door met and you will encounter a key under it, so utilise it to unlock the door.
Brain Test Level 162 [TORTOISE MUST WIN] Commencement, lift up its beat out to find rockets, then tap quickly on the rockets to launch it across the cease line.
Brain Examination Level 163 [WHAT IS  THE NUMBER BELOW THE Dice] Elevate the dice to find the hidden number under it.
Encephalon Examination Level 164 [Simply HAD A SUN! PICK A NAME FOR HIM!] Drag "son" out of the question to turn "Ja" into "Jason".
Encephalon Examination Level 165 [WELL, SHE IS AT It Once again!] There is a problems on his hair, so remove his hair to cheer the baby upwardly.
Brain Test Level 166 [COLLECT THREE APPLES Delight] Move the basket nether the right apple, and then shake the telephone. Repeat this with the heart apple, then the left apple.
Brain Examination Level 167 [GET TO 6 PLEASE] Flip the number counter to 9, then turn your phone over to make the 9 into a half dozen.
Brain Test Level 168 [Notice ALL THE ANIMALS IN THE Movie] Tap the rabbits and the cat, and then the equus caballus, and the snake in the tree. Then move the ophidian over to the horse in order to scare it and you will encounter some other rabbit, now click on information technology to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 169 [Assist TOM Go HIS FISH] Tap the dog to make it await at the fish then move the cat up higher up the dog, now tap the dog again to get in await at where the cat used to exist. Then place the true cat on the fish.
Brain Test Level 170 [Nosotros Desire TO GO TO NEWYORK] Movement the door handle from the left side of the machine to the right side and and then tap the go button to go far drive to New York.
Brain Test Level 171 [POOR CROW IS UNABLE TO Eat] Option walnut up into the air and driblet it from the sky onto the rocks to crack it. Then feed the nut inside to the bird.
Brain Test Level 172 [BUILD A NEW SNOWMAN Please] Put the ii large snowballs on top of each other, then move the cloud and drag the sun onto the caput portion of the snowman. Then put the carrot as the olfactory organ, ii blackness dots as the eyes, and two sticks every bit the arms.
Encephalon Examination Level 173 [Class THE IMAGE ON THE PUZZLE] Drag the whole paradigm of the lion on top of the puzzle to laissez passer the level.
Brain Examination Level 174 [SHE LOVES HIM OR SHE Dear HIM Not] Pull the petals off of the bloom, then pull the one pedal off of the flower on her head.
Encephalon Examination Level 175 [THE Bluish Motorcar IS IN A Bustle Assist IT] Accept the blueish low-cal off from the back of the blue automobile and put it in front of information technology to plow it into an emergency signal.
Brain Test Level 176 [Assist THE GHOST HUNTER WITH HIS GHOST TRAP] Tap the ghost hunter to see the ghosts. Remember the positions of the ghosts. Then tap him once again to make the traps reappear, and put them where the ghosts were. Then tap him once again to trap the ghosts.
Brain Test Level 177 [WHAT IS REVERSE OF BAD] The reverse of bad?? Its "dab".
Brain Exam Level 178 [WHAT DOES HE SEE] Click on this level and utilize this image to detect what does he sees.
Encephalon Test Level 179 [OK TIME TO Lift OFF] Rotate your phone so that the rocket is facing upward, and then tap on 5, 4, three, 2, 1 to laissez passer the level.
Encephalon Examination Level 180 [HOW MANY DOTS ARE In that location I WONDER] There are 4 dots in this level, one is inside the question but the other three are near the setting push who shows the "level menu".[Zero dots on the dog, but spots]
Brain Test Level 181 [WHAT IS fifty% OF 55] 50% of 55?? it's "5" if you lot think exterior.
Brain Exam Level 182 [Stop THIS WAR] Change the angle of the canons and so they face up each other, at present printing fire to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 183 [Assistance ME Behave THIS BOX TO THE DOLLY PLEASE] Flip the phone upward and rotate it twice to turn the box until it gets on the dolly.
Brain Exam Level 184 [Y'all GOT Caught SPEEDING OOPS] Tap on the glove box and you volition detect the donut inside, now feed information technology to the cop to brand him happy.
Brain Test Level 185 [TOM IS HUNGRY Take hold of THAT MOUSE] Slide down the carpet and all the remaining things will be washed by gravity.
Encephalon Test Level 186 [I DECLARE THAT TODAY IS YOUR Birthday PICK A GIFT] Tap on the "gift" text inside the question text to pass the level.
Encephalon Exam Level 187 [I Hate MATH GET RID OF THIS NUMBER] Drag the "G" and place it on the pinnacle left of the "ane" to pass the level. Placing Yard in forepart of the letter of the alphabet ane spells g-one meaning getting rid of the number.
Encephalon Examination Level 188 [FIND THE PAIRS AND WIN THE GAME]

Two same construction (or pair) will brand each other disappear.

So, notice the pairs and make them disappear.

But the terminal carrot carte du jour will disappear later dividing it into ii parts by swipe information technology from up to downwardly and the level will exist cleared.

For the all-time solution please cheque the video beneath.

Brain Test Level 189 [I SAW THIS RIDDLE ON REDDIT WHERE IS THE Balderdash] You can drag the red give-and-take from information technology so testify the cherry to the group and the balderdash will come out.
Brain Test Level 190 [Right THIS EQUATION PLEASE]

Rub the no. ane until it disappears and the equation will be corrected.

four+5 = 9

Brain Exam Level 191 [I Hate THIS THIS BABY IS CRYING AGAIN Stop THIS SCREAM] In the question, the "I" give-and-take can be moved.

So put that 'I' before the "SCREAM" give-and-take and that will brand "ice foam" and the babe will stop crying.

Brain Examination Level 192 [CLICK ON Green iii TIMES Blueish x TIMES AND Crimson v TIMES] Just follow the question don't get dislocated by the numbers to display on the right side of the button, And so click green 3 times, blue 10 times and red 5 times.
Brain Test Level 193 [WHEN I WAS vi YEAR OLD]

When I was 6 my sister was half of my age so its "3"

And the brother was twice my age and then it's "12"

five years later sis volition be 8 and brother volition be 17.

And the sum will be "25".

Encephalon Exam Level 194 [HOW MANY CIRCLES ARE In that location] There are "7" circles. Count by yourself.
Brain Test Level 195 [YOUR PETS ARE DROWNING WHICH 1 WILL YOU SAVE] Use three fingers at the same time and save all of them by dragging out.
Brain Examination Level 196 [SUCH A MOODY WEATHER] Drag out the painting of sun and place in on the window now zoom information technology out to laissez passer the level.
Brain Test Level 197 [COMPLETE THE EQUATION CORRECTLY] On the first row identify 3,half-dozen,five and on second-row drag 1,7 and on third-row identify three,viii,2. That volition make the equation correct [365+17=382].
Brain Test Level 198 [OUR Canis familiaris IS SO Muddied CLEAN HIM UP Delight] Drag the water basked on the canis familiaris then milk shake your device to pass the level.
Brain Exam Level 199 [THEY ALL Demand SOME WARMTH] Drag the burn down in the middle of everyone to warm them all.
Brain Exam Level 200 [WHAT IS UNDER THE TREE] Drag the text "the tree" and press on the cat to pass the level.
Brain Exam Level 201 [QUICKLY TAP THE NUMBERS IN ORDER] The position of vii & 8 will change when you click them fast, so tap on 7 before eight to laissez passer the level.
Brain Examination Level 202 [SOLVE THE PUZZLE] Click on this level and utilise this image to solve the level.
Brain Test Level 203 [We MUST SCORE A GOAL] Click on this level and utilize this image to meet the design or position.
Encephalon Test Level 204 [TEACH OUR True cat HOW TO Chase PLEASE] Put the box over the true cat, then grab the cheese from the shelf and put information technology on the footing now remove the box to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 205 [Discover THE TREASURE] Tap and drag the rocks around until y'all discover a red X. And so grab the shovel and stick it in the red Ten to discover the treasure.
Encephalon Examination Level 206 [I LOST THE BRAKES HELP] Catch one of the clouds out of the sky with your finger and put it in the car'south path to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 207 [WHERE IS THE MOTHER LOIN] Tap the apples above the lion cub'south caput and after they fall and hit it, the mother will come up out to condolement him.
Encephalon Test Level 208 [TORTOISE MUST WIN THE RACE] Accept the banana out of the monkey'southward paw and put information technology in front of the rabbit'southward feet to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 209 [Assist HIM!] Drag the sword abroad from the ninja in the male child's dream, and then requite information technology to the male child who's sleeping to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 210 [Make A CHOICE!] Rub the left choice with your finger to erase it. It will exist replaced by the pick "get rich", at present tap on information technology to pass the level.
Brain Exam Level 211 [THIS MAN ANNOYED THE LLAMA] To help the llama get its revenge against the man, motion the cloud over the man's caput and tap it until rainfalls. When he moves the umbrella, tap the llama to spit at him.
Brain Test Level 212 [HOW MANY TEETH HE HAS] Tap on each of the boy's teeth to knock out the faux ones. There are a total of 12 teeth.
Brain Test Level 213 [FILL ALL OF THE GRIDS] Tap in the given order "left two – one – 1 – right 2 – 4".
Brain Test Level 214 [TRY TO FOLLOW THE CORRECT PATTERN] The pattern is YELLOW-Blue-RED-RED-Dark-green, tap in this social club to laissez passer the level.
Brain Test Level 215 [HORSY WISHES FOR WINGS NOW] Drag the star from the wizard'due south stick and place it over the sky to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 216 [Dissever THE COLORS Please] Click on this level and use the video to solve the level.
Encephalon Test Level 217 [HELP, SHE Can'T End JUMPING] Offset drag the mattress below the trampoline, then remove information technology to pass the level.
Brain Examination Level 218 [CANDY MUST Reach TO THE Oral cavity] Rotate your phone and evidence candy the way to achieve the male child'southward oral cavity.
Brain Test Level 219 [TOM WANTS TO JUMP Again] You tin can change the identify of the left mount, so just drag the mountain and place it almost the right mountain and printing jump to laissez passer the level.
Brain Exam Level 220 [HELP OUR FRIEND TO Cross THE STREET] Drag the footpath next to him so he can cross the street.
Encephalon Test Level 221 [I Demand AN OMELETTE Please] Drag the airship nearly the knife, and the hen will go scared of sound and requite the egg, now elevate the egg on the pan to brand the omelet.
Brain Test Level 222 [SHE LOST HER Airship] Swipe the screen down to find the balloon, the give it to the infant to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 223 [HOW MANY DOGS ARE THERE] Y'all can see vii dogs on the screen, but if y'all drag the place where y'all take to put the answer you will see 3 more hidden puppies, so the final answer will exist "10".
Brain Exam Level 224 [Nosotros MUST Go RID OF THESE MICROBES] Drag the paper from the ground, and drag information technology over the microbes and they volition stick to that paper, now burn that newspaper to laissez passer the level.
Encephalon Test Level 225 [I CAN'T GET INTO MY Firm] Zoom out the business firm to the fullest and drag the key over the keyhole to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 226 [HELP ME FEED MY Lizard] Open up the window and food container and a bug will come out from the window and lizard will eat it.
Brain Examination Level 227 [I Have OCD Aid ME] Yous have OCD, and then place the different colour brawl in the dissimilar bowl to pass the level.
Encephalon Test Level 228 [TOM Plant Even so Some other VALLY TO JUMP] Drag the cloud in the heart of the open up space and printing leap to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 229 [FIND ALL THE ANIMALS] Click on this level and use this prototype to solve the level.
Brain Test Level 230 [WHAT IS X?] Drag the v from the answer and put over the -5 to make it "0", at present click on "0" to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 231 [HE WANTS 5 Glass MILK 3 COOKIES] Change the position of v over three to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 232 [HELP THE MEN ESCAPE] Try to trap the zombie inside the red zone and and so brand the men reach near the car. Picket the video given beneath for a better explanation.
Encephalon Test Level 233 [HELP OUR HERO] Put your device upside downward to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 234 [Notice A SOLUTION Before OTHER'S Meet HER FACE] Drag the hanky from the guy's pocket and wipe the lady's face to pass the level.
Encephalon Test Level 235 [SHE IS SO TIRED Assistance Delight] Open the cabinet nether the sink and upper the sink, now put washed plated within the upper cabin and unwashed plates inside the chiffonier below to sink to pass the level.
Encephalon Examination Level 236 [HELP HER HIT THE TARGET] Move the target to where the marker goes and printing to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 237 [Help THE BLUE BOXER ONCE Once more] The outset click on cherry-red boxer once, and then click on the fight to laissez passer the level.
Brain Test Level 238 [HOW Tin can TOM Leap THIS Fourth dimension?] Elevate the tom on the edge and press jump to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 239 [Nosotros MUST Cease THIS MONSTER] Drag the green color basket over the wellness bar of the monster to make him friendly.
Encephalon Test Level 240 [HORSY WANTS A PRINCESS NOW] There is a hammer near the tree so drag information technology and smack the magicians head with it, now you will see stars o ver his head and then just drag that first on the sky to laissez passer the level.
Brain Examination Level 241 [Option THE APPLES] P ick the apples from the first and second screen but in the 3rd screen, in that location is a tomato below the first apple so make sure you won't click on the tomato to pass the level.
Brain Examination Level 242 [Nosotros NEED A FIRE] Remove the hat of the boy and drag the clouds to make the sun polish, which volition let you pass the level.
Brain Test Level 243 [Describe A TRIANGLE Place] Alter the position of the middle dot and connects the dot to brand a triangle.
Encephalon Test Level 244 [There ARE SOME WEIRD THINGS GOING ON] Click on this level and utilize this epitome to solve the level.
Brain Test Level 245 [HE NEEDS SOME HELP] Drag the help text from the question text and put it within the boy'due south empty shout to pass the level.
Encephalon Test Level 246 [HOW Tin can THIS BE Correct] Rotate your phone upside down to make the equation right.
Brain Exam Level 247 [WHICH MONKEY HAS THE LONGEST TAIL] Swipe up on the monkies to detect which monkey has the longest tail.
Brain Exam Level 248 [HE WANTS THE SAME BURGER] You accept to make the same burger as the other male child has, so drag and put things in order "cheese slice – irish potato slice – green slice – upper bun" to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 249 [THE COMPUTER WORKS Likewise SLOW] Clean the fan window to make his reckoner work fast.
Encephalon Test Level 250 [OH NO HE IS SO Belatedly FOR WORK] Tap on the calendar to modify the Thursday to make it Saturday, so the won't have to worry almost work.
Brain Test Level 251 [HELP THE MEN Accomplish HIS HOUSE] Y'all tin can swipe upwards and down the red bar, so swipe upwards when the commencement cease comes, and swipe down for the 2nd barrier to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 252 [WHERE IS THE Canis familiaris HIDING] Click on this level and use this image to solve the level.
Encephalon Test Level 253 [GET RID OF THIS TRAFFIC] Rotate your phone to the right side to pass the level.
Brain Examination Level 254 [COMPLETE YOUR SWORD Training] Swipe up on the sword from the lesser three times to complete his training.
Brain Test Level 255 [THE GHOST MUST ESCAPE FROM THE TRAPS] Just use the given borer order to laissez passer the level: downward-right-right-right-downwards-down-left-left-down-down-correct-right-right-correct.
Brain Examination Level 256 [OH NO HER Blossom IS DYING] Elevate the bundle of grass and give information technology to the cat, she will poop and drag that poop over the flower, and use the empty bucket to make full the water and drag it over the flower to shine the flower.
Encephalon Test Level 257 [Aid ME Ready MY CAR PLEASE] Frag the "gear up" text from the question and place information technology over the motorcar to prepare it.
Brain Examination Level 258 [SAVE THE TOWN] Swipe upwardly on the showtime mountain to save the city.
Brain Exam Level 259 [Help HIM DEFEND THE Footling TURTLES] The first tap on turtle's face then click on his shell to kill the snake.
Encephalon Examination Level 260 [You lot MUST REFORM THE FACE] Endeavor to drag the black line and you volition exist able to reform the face.
Brain Test Level 261 [YOU MUST WIN THIS SOMEHOW] Remove the zero from the superlative right corner and tap on information technology to win the game.
Encephalon Test Level 262 [THE RED CAR MUST WIN] Drag the ii from the lap counter and place it on the 1 to make it two to laissez passer the level.
Brain Test Level 263 [THE CAT NEEDS TO Get TO THE FISH Once more] Drag the bone and Shake it left to right fast-fast so the dog will feel dizzy, now elevate the cat nigh the fish to pass the level.
Brain Examination Level 264 [Aid HIM OVERCOME THIS Deadening Forenoon] Tap on the jar push button to showtime information technology then open the cupboard and drag the java from information technology and place it over the cup and also drag the jar for hot h2o, which will make him overcome this boring Mon morning time.
Brain Test Level 265 [Assistance THESE LOVERS TO Come up TOGETHER] Zoom out the piece of wood and identify it on the empty space to make the span to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 266 [SHE IS CRYING AWAYS] Drag the teddy deport and you lot will run into a remote for tv, now tap on it two times to change the aqueduct to brand the child happy.
Brain Test Level 267 [WE MUST CONCOURS THE CASTLE] Drag the torch from the soldier's paw and put the burn down on the grass bolder, then tap on it to laissez passer the level.
Brain Exam Level 268 [SIR NOOBALOT REQUIRES YOUR Assist] First elevate the soldier near the dragon, then drag the water and place it over his mouth before he tries to burn the soldier to pass the level.
Encephalon Test Level 269 [WHAT IS ON JUPITER] Drag the question mark (?) fro the question and identify information technology on the orangish planet to laissez passer the level.
Brain Test Level 270 [OHH NO Forbid THIS ACCIDENT] Pull the horn string to brand a audio, that volition wake up the guy.
Brain Test Level 271 [HE IS SO ANGRY CALM HIM DOWN] Rotate the telephone facing down to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 272 [We MUST Open up THIS VAULT] Remove the books and you will meet a pattern for the password, now utilise "12358" every bit the password to laissez passer the level.
Brain Examination Level 273 [SIR NOOBALOT MUST DEFEAT A TROLL] Drag the soldier over the bridge and when the troll pulls his arm drag him back to his actual place, and do it two times and the troll will break the bridge, that will pass the level.
Brain Test Level 274 [WHY IS THE CAR IN FRONT Non MOVING] Swipe left to the car and you volition see the guy sleeping in the car, at present tap on him to wake him upwardly, that will solve the level.
Brain Test Level 275 [WHAT IS THE Answer] Drag the 7 and combine it with the 13 to make it twenty, now tap on 20 to pass the level.
Encephalon Exam Level 276 [TIME TO SCHOOL, WAKE HIM Upwards] Use your two fingers and open up both eyelids at the same time to wake him up.
Brain Test Level 277 [SATISFY OUR CUSTOMER Please] Put all the items within the plate then give it to the customer to pass the level.
Encephalon Test Level 278 [WHAT IS THE QUESTION MARK] Just add them to discover the respond, that is 19.
Encephalon Examination Level 279 [ARGGH! GET RID OF THESE MOSQUITOS PLEASE] Swipe the thermometer down to pass the level, because mosquito can't survive on cold weather.
Brain Exam Level 280 [PICK THE CORRECT COLORS AT THE SCREEN] Yellow is attached with ii strings, so switch the get-go 2 with yellow and 3rd one with blue to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 281 [Assist US WE CANT Notice OUT Dwelling] Swipe left to the screen so yous will see the globe, at present click on the earth to laissez passer the level.
Brain Test Level 282 [I WONDER WHICH FISH IS THE BIGGEST] Drag the red colour fish nearly the fish hook to pass the level.
Brain Examination Level 283 [WHAT IS THE NUMBER ABOVE 4] The number above 4 is plainly "5".
Brain Examination Level 284 [HELP THE GUY AVOID A TICKET] Elevate the bulb from the top right corner (hint bulb) and place it over the left broken car low-cal to pass the level.
Brain Test Level 285 [ADJUST THE SIDE VIEW Co-ordinate TO THE Top VIEW]
Click on this level and use this image to solve the level.
One brawl is getting reduced in every adjacent shape, and then in 6th shape, only two balls will gonna remain and those will exist the start two of the eye line.
Pull out all of his tentacles to pass the level.
Encephalon Exam Level 288 [Tom wants to eat all of the fish] Elevate Tom from the smallest fish to the biggest fish.
Brain Test Level 289 [Time to eat and drink healthy]
Swipe the boy left and right. Avoid burgers and chocolate.
Brain Test Level 290 [These people don't similar each other]
Block two of them using the rock and the trash can.
Brain Examination Level 291 [1 of these bears is non real]

The bear that doesn't like the beloved is not real.

Brain Test Level 292 [Make clean him upwards please]
Use the handkerchief to clean him upwardly. Rotate his head to clean both cheeks.
Encephalon Examination Level 293 [There is a ghost somewhere]
Pour the white powder to the floor and you'll see footsteps.
Brain Test Level 294 [Something is incorrect here]
Swipe them up and down to make it look like the moving-picture show beneath.

Opinion About the Brain Test game: Fun and amusing. I'm really enjoying it. Kickoff fourth dimension I've downloaded a game from an ad on Facebook. Only it just grabbed my attending. Sometimes funny only can exist educational and entertaining.

Cheers for visiting.


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